Ep 137 Jonathan Carr

2 years ago


Jonathan Carr - Ep 137 Jonathan Carr began his aerial adventures early on, gaining his skydiver license at the age of 18. While completing his Masters at the University of Central Florida, Jonathan turned his passion for flying into an occupation by joining Eric Dufour at the Paramotor Academy. Since then, Carr has been helping aspiring foot-launch and trike pilots fulfill their dreams of flying and get their USPPA certification. Under the business name of Paramotor Orlando, he offers comprehensive and personalized training program, including everything from tandem flights through theory and simulator to towing and power walks, with 25+flights guaranteed and full equipment provided. https://www.facebook.com/paramotororlando
IG @paramotororlando
Learn to fly at http://www.ParamotorArkansas.com

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