Malcolm X - Eulogy (El-Hajj Malik El Shabazz)

2 years ago

Malcolm X - Eulogy

The 20th Century saw a great amount of revolutionaries such as Imam Ruhullah Khomeini, Mahatma Ghandi, Che Guevara, Quaid-e-Azam, Nelson Mandela, Dr. Martin Luther King & Malcolm X.
Whether you knew him as Malcolm Little, Malcolm X or El-Haj Malik El-Shabazz, you know in your heart, that he always stood up for the downtrodden, the oppressed, the people without a voice up against so many Uncle Toms and Oppressors.
February 21st 1965 was when that pure soul was snatched from us at The Audubon Ballroom, New York. When he was born, he was named Malcolm Little but in his short four decades on this planet, he would go on to have a big impact on humanity. His deep prophetic words resonate and still stand the test of time from beyond the grave. You can copy his speeches to any modern and recent time now and they will still be fresh.
Why is it that Dr. Martin Luther King is always featured in the mainstream press and that Malcolm X is always ignored and portrayed as a fanatic? Have you ever thought about that? Why was he killed? Who killed him? And why did they go on to kill his grandson?
His uncompromising, undiluted and unwavering pursuit of justice for humanity together with his pungent speeches, humility, brotherhood and quest for truth meant he was always evolving and finally encapsulated him as a martyr and remembered for generations to come right until the End of the Days.
The Holy Quran (Chapter 3: Verse 169-170) says “Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord; They rejoice in the bounty provided by Allah.”
They say he was a racist. Growing up he was the victim of racism with his father being killed, his childhood home being burned & continuously discriminated by his school teachers. He was racist when he was brainwashed by the Nation with their White devil Black God ideological beliefs. These evaporated during his trip to Africa and The Haj Pilgrimage when he realised his errors and from then, he was a racist no more.
They say he was only for black people. In his later years, he worked for humanity to find a solution, knowing that his life would be taken whilst on this dangerous path. Very few would risk their lives for a just cause, a cause to end the suffering of humankind suffering from oppression anywhere on the globe. His message is still fresh and resonates even to this day with Black People, Native Americans, Australian Aboriginals, Palestinians, Yemenis, Iranians, Iraqis, Venezuelans, Kashmiris, Bahraini Shia, Saudi Arabian Shia, Chinese Uyghurs, Syrians, Indian-Muslims, Indian-Sikhs, Myanmar Rohingya and all the other dark skinned people on this planet.
How much has the world changed since 1965 in reality? What is the true reality? Look at the world today. Sadly, there are still really 2 types of countries. Either those who cause oppression or those being oppressed. Yes, that's right, my brothers and sisters, every single oppressed soul on this planet today stands in solidarity with him.
He himself said “And with racism now plaguing in America like an incurable cancer all thinking Americans should be more respective to Islam as an already proven solution to the race problem.”
The true legacy of Malcolm X will only be realised when prophet Jesus (peace be on him) comes back in the Second Coming as promised in The Holy Bible and The Holy Quran along with Imam Mahdi (peace be on him) .
The Holy Quran (Chapter 21: Verse 105) says “Certainly We wrote in the Psalms, after the Torah: ‘Indeed My righteous servants shall inherit the earth.’” Imam Mahdi (peace be on him) & descendant of Prophet Mohammad (peace be on him) said: “I am Al-Mahdi and I am the still-living one who will establish justice throughout the world the same as it has been filled with oppression. Surely the earth will never remain without a witness, and people will not live in lack of a leader.”
I sincerely pray that day comes soon and that El-Haj Malik El-Shabazz can fully rest in peace then.
Goodbye my sweet brother,

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