Do you agree with #Denver’s #FreeMoney for #HomelessWomen, but not for #HomelessVeterans?

1 year ago

Do you agree with #Denver’s #FreeMoney for #HomelessWomen, but not for #HomelessVeterans?

2 Corinthians 13
Nancy Pelosi was booed at a Saturday music festival! It only shows that when she gets around real people, they know what is up.
Also, Elton John was at the White House getting an award from Brand. Elton stop going to the white House during President Trump time and I personally stop listening to Elton’s music.

I wanted to make sure you all saw Chairwoman Brown's segment on Fox News discussing the taxpayer funded Denver homeless cash handout.

All Coloradans know we’ve reached crisis level on homelessness. But a crisis requires compassionate solutions that are also accountable. Unfortunately, it’s clear that the Denver City Council is using taxpayer money to fund a program that’s a typical, liberal, no strings attached policy that fails to give people a sustainable path out of homelessness or addiction.

Moreover, Veterans make up 10% of Denver’s homeless population. But the City Council refuses to include them in the selected groups of homeless people they’re giving a $2M handout to. They’ve chosen transgender people instead. I think that is shameful, especially considering it is taxpayer dollars being used.

Campfire Colorado did an interview with the founder of the nonprofit that is administering the taxpayer funded program who conceded that because of the lack of oversight it's possible that recipients could use the $12,000 they are receiving to purchase drugs and alcohol. As Chairwoman Brown made clear, this is an unsustainable plan that doesn't address the root problem.

Please watch the segment below and share on social media with your friends.
Do you believe that 7 women out of ten want to be able to kill their un-born, or born babies and will not vote for pro-life candidates?
This is fake news and as I am running for HD5, I am running to lower Biden/Valdez high inflation, high gas prices, #1 in car theft , the fentanyl #2 killer of people between 18-45 and 65 percent of our children leaving school not knowing the three R’s!
Is it dangerous to be an 18-year-old MAGA supporter?
In North Decoder it might be as you might get ran over by a Biden supporter and get out of jail on a 50-thousand-dollar bond!

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