放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★42

1 year ago


Notes on meditation:
1. Breathe. Use abdominal breathing as much as possible during meditation, which can be divided into two types: forward breathing and reverse breathing: forward breathing is to gently expand the abdominal muscles when inhaling, try to inhale as deeply as possible, and then contract the muscles when exhaling; Reverse the order of breathing. When meditating, use your nose to breathe in and your mouth to breathe out slowly and deeply.
2. Duration. The best time is 10~20 minutes, the brain can get a good rest. If you meditate before going to bed, you don’t need to be bound by the length of time, you can fall asleep naturally.
Reference for the above content: People's Daily Online - Practicing meditation often makes the brain age slowly
What is Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is one of the meditation paths. It has as its main goal the achievement of a state of mental peace and composure, learning to relax in a state of inner clarity while remaining fully awake in consciousness. In training to be aware of the present moment with precision, mindfulness meditation guides the mind to focus on "auxiliaries," which can be any beautiful object such as a stone, statue, or crystal, as well as a mantra or breath. Basically, aids help with concentration. In addition, it helps with relaxation, as breathing deeper than usual during mindfulness meditation also helps to develop a state of calm.

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