Uncovering The Nutritional And Medicinal Properties Of Mushrooms With Robert Beelman

2 years ago

In this episode, we connect with Robert B. Beelman. Robert is a Professor Emeritus of Food Science at Penn State and Director at the Center for Plant and Mushroom Foods for Health. He joins us today to discuss his fieldwork and research surrounding the medicinal and nutritional properties of mushrooms.

Robert has been studying mushrooms for decades, and the more he learns about this field, the more interest he has. Mushrooms are very multi-dimensional organisms, and he has made a plethora of fascinating discoveries about them throughout his career…

Join us now to explore:

• The most important findings Robert has made about mushrooms.
• How selenium levels in the soil effects mushroom growth.
• How mushrooms produce vitamin D.
• What regenerative agriculture is.

Want to learn more about Robert Beelman and his research? Click here now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcast: http://apple.co/30PvU9C

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