Tomi Lahren PWNS felon Andrew Gunn -- Twitter allowing domestic terrorism

1 year ago

All of these have been archived at two different sites as people like to try & delete their nonsense off the interwebs

Andrew Gunn exposed as an anti-police, abuser of women (next 5 links)

The accounts on Twitter that are doxing people & coordinating harassment & vandalism. Twitter has been told about this numerous times, the accounts are still active (next 6 links)*/

Violence in Portland has become the norm. A city that has been ruled by Democrats for decades, it is deteriorating fast

Portland, like a lot of Democrat-dominated cities has a homicide problem

I am putting this extended version of this on Rumble due to YouTube’s censorship. What piqued my interest was Tomi Lahren’s factual claim that Andrew Gunn was arrested for sitting on his girlfriend for over an hour & holding her hands so she could not defend herself from this predator Antifa Communist & keep her from leaving.

He was charged with “Battery Against a Household Member” & “False Imprisonment.” Andrew Gunn wanted the police to know as he was arrested that he did not put his hands on his ex-girlfriend (if she has any sense, she left him like Sam Seder’s wife left him 5 years ago), which is false according to the arrest data.

This doesn’t mean that Tomi Lahren is right & Andrew Gunn is wrong, but if this were a Republican doing this to another person it would be big news.

This gives us a glimpse into the psyche of Andrew Gunn. He is mentally-ill & likely wants to abolish the police because then the women who are crazy enough, blind enough or mentally-ill enough (as he is) to give him attention, nobody can come to their rescue when he gets abusive.

Andrew Gunn is not a real man, but a Nancy-Boy that picks on women & likes to hide inside riots acting like a tough guy.

This brings us to the Twitter account (BonnotGalaxy) that was threatening those who were exposing Andrew Gunn as a woman-beater & predator (see the links above, I have archived this account a few times as you can only scroll so far sans logging-in to Twitter & I refuse to use it). This clown claimed that those exposing Andrew Gunn would be doxxed & regret it. This account also said they were dealing w/ Andrew Gunn internally.

LOL @ that. So, should we leave sentencing up to organizations like Antifa that want to abolish the police? Is this person serious? I would wager the court system will deal w/ woman-beater Andrew Gunn & if Albuquerque has a Soros-backed prosecutor he will likely get a light slap on the wrist.

The account that was threatening those who were exposing Andrew Gunn can be inextricably-linked to accounts that are actively opposing police from moving Portland’s growing homeless population from in front of businesses.

Maybe if Portland didn’t become the wokey-woke capital of Nutslandia then there would not be so many homeless drug addicts w/ no father?

They’re promoting a culture of irresponsibility there in Portland & those chickens have come home to roost. Businesses do not like nor want drug addicts & homeless people sleeping on sidewalks in front of their business, trust me on that.

These anti-sweep accounts are coordinating on Twitter to vandalize, dox & intimidate folks who do not want homeless “campers” all over their property. If you do not heel to them, they will spray paint your business & are threatening to do much more.

This is actively happening & fomenting on Twitter. Get that? They’re allowing this to happen constantly.

The accounts coordinating this I would guess don’t have much to lose, they have one crappy car & a small apartment. Why not let the homeless camp out all along the sidewalk in their apartment complex? I would wager the landlord would not allow that but since you do not defecate where you eat they’re probably not going to spray paint their apartment complex & break windows.

Why not allow the homeless to “rent” the couch in your small apartment? You can take them to the needle exchange clinic, get some pizza & allow them to use meth on your couch. They wouldn’t like that, but business owners who actually have a skill harder than slicing the lunch meat have to tolerate that.

However, you can do that to Eugen Bingham and Lenor Bingham, the owners of the Slide Inn. Even some users on Imgur are calling out Twitter accounts like BonnotGalaxy & Westrikeback161 (which are still active now) et al. for urging violence against the Bingham’s businesses, including arson. Twitter is still allowing this.

I also found out that Mr. Bingham (according to one user on Twitter) has given food to these people & the story that he told a homeless lady to “leave the country” was B.S. Even if he said something off-color like that, that is no excuse to vandalize a business that he has built up over many years.

He is a businessman, he creates job, he creates wealth – these losers on Twitter that have nothing better to do than dox everyone that opposes them & coordinate violence do not have much to loser. They create no jobs, they do nothing, they are nothing.

Here are the things you need to do to succeed in life. One, do not have any kids until you have completed school. Two, get established in your job for several years & financially secure. Three, get married & then have the children.

Drug abuse & a lack of fathers is much of what ails America & I would surmise Portland has a dearth of fathers & a mountain of meth. That is why Portland sucks. It is going down the same road other great Democrat cities like Chicago, Baltimore & Detroit have gone.

In closing, I did see a post on Twitter from one of those anti-sweep, pro-violence accounts talking about defending a homeless camp & this is irony at its best. There was a message that read, “The Campers ask that you do not vandalize the camp.”

Hilarious! However, you can vandalize the city of Portland & the educated, responsible people who run businesses better watch out.

*** If you want to watch the riot by Democrats in New Mexico (I think they were shouting “We can’t debate” & “I never met my biological father”) who can’t compete w/ Tomi Lahren in the arena of ideas see the following The real #INSURRECTION is a Democrat Insurrection

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