US DEFCON 3 – Russian TV: Russia will not lose "we will take you with us to hell"

1 year ago

Few hours ago the Russian state television announced to the viewers that a nuclear war might already be a given!

The countdown to the use of nukes in the Ukrainian theater of operations has begun. Western capitals have begun implementing contingency plans as Russia escalates threats to show it is very close to "ground zero".

Hosts and guests on Russian state television have warned the West that if they feel Russia is being pushed into a corner, then it will ensure "everyone is destroyed."
Military expert Igor Korotchenko and state TV presenter Olga Skabeeva agreed that Russia would use nuclear weapons if it felt threatened to be destroyed.
"The only thing the West fears today is the possibility of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons.

There is turmoil in the US. US have proceeded with a barrage of statements, warnings and threats in order to prevent Russia from a nuclear escalation. At the same time, satellites scan Russia's movements on a 24-hour basis and look for signs of moving nuclear warheads and placing them on platforms.

US sources are talking about changing the country's nuclear preparedness level to DEFCON 3.
US warns Russia of 'catastrophic consequences'
The United States will respond decisively to any Russian use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine and has made clear to Moscow the "catastrophic consequences" it will face, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan

Western capitals are making contingency plans if Russia launches nuclear strikes against Ukraine and are sending private warnings to the Kremlin about possible consequences, according to Western officials.
"Poland has begun to prepare for a nuclear disaster," reports the newspaper Rzeczpospolita, which adds that " schools in Poland are preparing to distribute potassium iodide tablets to children" due to the escalation in Ukraine.

Kiev's allies are increasing nuclear vigilance and deterrence, according to five Western officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

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