放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★40

1 year ago

什麼是冥想 如何冥想

what is meditation how to meditate
"Meditation" means reflection, or thinking. In yoga, meditation is more clearly defined as a state of pure consciousness. It is the seventh stage on the yoga path, that is, the concentration of the body and consciousness. Meditation is the final liberation, the last step in Patanjali's eight-limb system.
When we are stable in body and mind, we are acutely aware of our senses, but at the same time detached from our emotions. Contemplation is impossible without the ability to maintain separation and observation. Even if you are able to concentrate on meditation, meditation is more than just concentration. It eventually evolves into an expanded state of consciousness.
When we concentrate, we turn our attention to objects that appear to be outside of ourselves. We get acquainted with this object and make a connection. However, to enter the realm of meditation, we need to intervene in this object. We need to communicate with it. Of course, the result of this exchange is a profound realization that there is no difference between us (as the subject) and the (object) of which we concentrate or meditate. This brings us to samadhi.
What is meditation? What are the benefits and harms to the body
Meditation is a form of altered consciousness that enhances self-knowledge and well-being by attaining a deep state of tranquility. During meditation, people may focus on and regulate their breathing, adopt certain yoga poses, minimize external stimuli, produce specific mental images, or think about nothing. Meditation is an important part of yoga, magic, religion (Buddhism, Taoism), etc.

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