Welcome to Hunter's Wild Ride! Spend a Week at the Miami Mansion for $4,140/Night!

2 years ago

The constant trickle of content from the Laptop from Hell is hilarious. Nothing criminal, except the hookers, this time around, but it's still worth a (censored) gander.

In 2018, the current First Son of the United States of America, rented out a couple places in Malibu to show some nice ladies a fun week. Equipped with a pool, waterslide and hot tub, the residence that is listed on Airbnb for $4,140/night can be yours! Most certainly the crack residue has been cleaned out of the place and the bicycle has been replaced, but you too can party like American Royalty, if you have the same connections to China and Ukraine...

Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11228367/Wild-videos-Hunter-Biden-going-waterslide-naked-entertaining-hookers.html

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#HunterBiden #LaptopFromHell #Hookers

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