Debbie Wasserman Schultz Makes Absurd Attack On Rashida Tlaib

1 year ago

Earlier this week, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other establishment Democrats who receive money from AIPAC went after Rashida Tlaib.

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Can we talk about something that is pissing me off today? Bradley, I don't know if you have this Debbie Wasserman Schultz clip. Jesus. The names I haven't heard in a while. Yeah, I know. I guess yeah she's still around Rashida Talib recently said the obvious which is that like Progressive there's a contradiction between being a strong Progressive and supporting Israel in an apartheid state. She didn't say that bluntly. She said it more couch but Debbie Wasserman Schultz and a whole bunch of other Democrats that frankly take apartheid money to campaign on from the democratic majority for Israel or AIPAC I have been saying things like this. Debbie Wasserman Schultz here the outrageous Progressive litmus test on Israel by Rashida Talib is nothing short of anti-Semitic. Proud progressives do support Israel's right to exist as a Jewish and Democratic State. Suggesting otherwise shameful and dangerous. divisive rhetoric does not lead to peace. Now I just want to break down one part of that which he says is a Jewish and Democratic State. Now, Bradley, I don't know if you could find this on National Review but John Kerry back in the Obama Administration basically pointed out that that is a contradiction of terms. you can't be you can't have one state that is Jewish and Democratic. There's a contradiction. and you need to give Palestinians full citizen rights or that's apartheid. and that's why different groups like Amnesty International that frankly would be hesitant to use such a label are using that label for Israel right now. and so you just simply cannot when you say somebody and yeah here's this John Kerry article and this was something the National Review was really upset about. but that's awesome I didn't even remember. care for the Israel State cannot be both Jewish and Democratic and scroll down a little bit Bradley. it's like saying like it's like say I mean it's like saying a just and liberal ethno State. I mean that was right?

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