The Wise Counsel Of God

1 year ago

Spread the wisdom of God

The wise counsel of God is a treasure that cannot be found anywhere else. It is something that has been given to us by God, and only by reading the Bible can we truly understand it.

The wise counsel of God

God's wisdom is an attribute manifested in His creation, mainly through the complexity and diversity of all life (including human beings). It includes knowledge, understanding, judgment, and decision-making about what is good or bad for human beings. Humans can perceive this wisdom reflected in nature and the world around us.

Our comforter

The wisdom of God can be a source of comfort to people struggling with difficult circumstances in their lives and those experiencing joy and happiness because they know that God's hand is at work even in seasons of doubt.


In the book of Proverbs, we are given wise counsel from God. The same God created the world and knows everything about it. He wants us to be happy and make good choices, so he gives us his wisdom in the form of advice that we can use when making decisions in life.

I hope God will help you to succeed in all your ways today.

Thank you for reading and watching!

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