10 Best Part-Time Jobs to Pay the Bills | If you have the skills, there are many high-paying

1 year ago

Part-time jobs that pay well

Sometimes part-time jobs are dream jobs. Whether you have children and want a career without full-time hours, or you’re a college student or retiree looking for a way to earn extra money, a part-time career may fit the bill. And, of course, sometimes part-time jobs are simply a way to survive.

Whatever your reasons for looking for part-time work, part-time pay doesn’t always mean poor wages in a dead-end job. Many pay reasonably well and offer fulfilling work.

The following careers placed high in the U.S. News Best Jobs ranking and provide opportunities for part-time workers. These are also occupations that can be full-time jobs, and many require some level of education or expertise. Hourly wage data is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

10 Best Part-Time Jobs:

Home Health Aide.
Personal Care Aide.
Recreation and Fitness Worker.
Massage Therapist.
Landscaper and Groundskeeper.
Physical Therapist Assistant.
Restaurant Cook.
Dental Hygienist.

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