SlavSquat RoundTable on Strange Things of Russo-Ukro War

1 year ago

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"Please listen to these live-in-the-place guys, use your own brain to make your own conclusion, folks.

To me, I already saw its true nature from the beginning!

All of them, they play people's lives just like their favorite sport! I can no longer blame them. People are so stupid indeed!

I survived Vietnam War. I learned my lesson, which unfortunately cannot be passed down even to my own grand kids!

-The so-called 1st World War could not teach people anything! -Randolph Bourne with "War is the Health of the State" (1918) could not wake up the sheeple! And came the Veteran war hero General Smedley D. Butler with "War Is a Racket" could not wake up them / the people, the sheeple either! So the so-called Second World War came which was even worse with even more popular support! Then the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Middle East War, Afgan War, Iraq War...Big war, small war... war after war... together with all sort of government engineered crises, false flags, one after another... Small protests, Large protests, thousands, millions protesters marched on the street chanting, demanding and ... went home...kept voting and whining!

-Nothing changed, but everything has been getting worse and worse everyday ever since!

Still, NO ONE learns anything, even right now with the Crimedemic brutal lockdowns with all brazen straight face lies and shameless flipflops, which paved the way for the imposing of the murder clotshot. Consequently, SADS, myocarditis, drop-dead with "unknown causes!" have rapidly happened all over the world....All are obviously planned DEMOCIDE!

Still, No one dares to think of the Bastilles! Every "smart leading dissident" just keep talking, talking, and talking, and urging "do not rise up, just do not comply" (as if Government thugs and goons would just let them "do not comply" and would leave them alone!) and then asking people for donations or/and selling merchandises!

OK, fine with me! Have fun! Good luck!


Governments Don't Give A Shit About You At All! At All! Patriotism Is Always The Resort of The Scoundrels, and is the Death Trap for Idiots!

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