2 years ago

This describes the onslaught cruelty toward Senior Citizens in general and toward MARKED, TARGETED Senior Citizens IN PARTICULAR. ONTARIO BY the masochist behavioural type FORD BULLIES who appear to be introducing an ILLEGAL type of euthanasia. Not unlike the LEGAL euthanasia which is government approved in Ontario, the BOTH RESULT IN DEATH. But the ILLEGAL euthanasia being practised in NORTH BAY is much longer sustaining, unbelievably cruel leading to a slow agonizing death of anyone who is targeted such as myself. WHY?, ONLY BECAUSE because I wrote complaint letters to Premier FORD describing in details why the health system in North Bay is SICK Beyond repair and beyond recovery. The federal funded Home care program for seniors which was introduced to help senior stay in their homes but has made me a prisoner in my own home with a long-term death-row type sentence. It is not known for certain who targeted me but it is believed that the order came directly from the Premier Ford or would it be an order from the secretive private investors who own the private companies that hire all care workers such as CARE PARTNERS which takes the lead in penalizing and inflicting misery and pain on senior citizens.

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