Revelation Lesson-43: The Thousand Years - Part III

2 years ago

Today we are in Lesson-43 in the series “Come Lord Jesus!” from the book of Revelation.
This lesson is titled “The Thousand Years - Part III” and with it we conclude our 3-part series on Revelation 20.
Our focus passage is Revelation 20:11-15. Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.
It is in Revelation 20 where we find one of the most hotly debated passages in all biblical prophecy:
The Thousand-Year Reign of Christ or the Millennium
In part I of our study we learned that believers will rise to life eternal with Christ and they will reign with Him in His kingdom forever and ever.

Then in part II we saw that God Wins and Evil will be Vanquished Forever.

In today’s lesson we are going to conclude our study of that subject by looking at verses 11-15.
Satan and his armies have been defeated. He is now in the lake of fire never to leave again to deceive the nations or to oppose God.
What we have left before the Eternal State arrives has been the subject of many books and movies: Judgment Day.

Everyone has an appointment with the Great Judge there will be no more delays for evil to be judged once and for all.
The longing for justice from all time will be fulfilled.

Let’s get started.

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