A True King for Scotland: King Tomas Vaux of Barnbarroch: "A King for the People"

2 years ago

My reasoning, and need for an Honorary King of Scotland*.
with Political Petition rule, King Tomas is given "Democracy of the people" voting rights,
by the Scottish Parliament.

City Locality setting, in Edinburgh & Glasgow, (with 2 wood-working shops),
locals actually stop by, the shops, sign and voice their opinions,
petitions are then sent to Parliament to be passed.

"A People's King for Scotland"

*and inviting other heritage Kings to join in for other regions of the British Isles:
Incl. all Counties & descendants of former Kings & Queens of Ireland & Wales.
with a similar voting approach, consensus from the King & the people.
my twitter:
Royal King Tomas de Vaux of Scotland,
"Vans of Barnbarroch" estate & its former splendor.

You only have this life to live,
& this 1 life in which to be an honorary Vaux King.
Your parents, have given you that opportunity
to re-claim what is your right.

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