New generator small scale

2 years ago

Ramadan invented a „three part ” generator, where the typical two parts ( inductor / induced ) from the conventional generator are static in his design , and the only moving / rotating part are just iron cores. This improved design reduces Lenz effect considerably, and increases the output power at lower RPM’s than normally required. I put together some CAD’s from his nice 3D models, in order to understand this new concept generator better. The only withdraw that Syairchairun honestly admitted, was a very high cogging torque at rotating iron. This effect increases the mechanical load at the prime mover. It is result of swapping iron between different polarities. And so, cogging was verified by many members replicating in small scale at several forums , where this new generator is being discussed. I proposed a way to avoid cogging without altering Syairchairun main concept of rotating just the iron cores, and leaving static inductor and induced.

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