NATO's War in Ukraine - Update September 24 2022

2 years ago

Referendum and SITREP in Novorossiya and Donbass.
✔️ "Why was Operation Z taking a long time?
Russia isn't interested in leveling Ukrainian cities, resulting in civilian casualties. Extremists are therefore holding millions of people hostage.
✔️ Why didn't Russia act earlier in 2014?
Financially, technologically and militarily, Russia was underprepared to undertake a campaign of this scale. Diplomatically, the alliance with China is key."

Rostislav Ishchenko
⚡️ High-precision attack of Russian Aerospace Forces launched at the units of 81st Airmobile Brigade near Kramatorsk (Donetsk People's Republic) has resulted in the elimination of over 220 Ukrainian servicemen.
💥 Fire attack has been launched at the units of foreign mercenaries near Slavyansk and Ozyornoye (Donetsk People's Republic). The attack has resulted in the elimination of over 100 militants.
◽️ The attacks have resulted in the elimination of over 190 militants and 12 units of military equipment.
💥 Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have neutralized the provisional bases of 59th Mechanized Infantry and 63rd Mechanized brigades near Bezymennoye and Ternoviye Pody (Nikolayev region). The enemy has lost over 130 servicemen.
◽️ Air defense facilities have also destroyed in air 42 rocket-propelled projectiles launched by U.S.-manufactured HIMARS multiple rocket-launching system (MRLS), as well as by Olkha MRLS, near Plodovoye and Novaya Kakhovka (Kherson region).

Russian Military of Defense


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