Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: YouTube Misinformation - Cancellation Thwarted!

2 years ago

YouTube decided that a video Bible Prophecy class that I posted in January 2021 was MISINFORMATION! That being the case, since it's been removed from my channel over there, I figured I'd go ahead and make a way to revive it and keep it alive.

Here's my futile note to YouTube protesting their actions:

Dear Mr. or Ms AI,
By flagging my content in this video, you made my point. There is great deception and YOU are integral to promoting it. The truth is out there and removing a video from a little nobody like me will not further your cause. After all, how many views did it get? Not many, as I recall. Well, I want you to know that you lose in the end. Jesus is coming and there's not a thing you can do to stop Him. Whoever or whatever is behind you, as you'll see, resisting God is impossible. Go ahead - stop me, but you can't stop the plans of God. You and all your friends will end up in the Lake of Fire unless you repent and turn to the only One who can save you. Come Lord Jesus!

Although this is 1 1/2 years old, as you'll see, it's still quite relevant. Hope you find it of interest.

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