Proof Why People Think Wisconsin Republicans are Unintelligent

1 year ago

From Ian C Jordan

Host of APEX NewsUndone Podcast

I really respect the work that Jessica McBride does when she does investigative reporting I think she is phenomenal she’s intelligent she’s stunning she’s conservative and she obviously a business owner.

Jim is a former police officer and I think God for his service that is a tough job it is hard to constantly go out when so many people hate you and still do your job at a high-level knowing one mistake Can erase everything you’ve done.

Wisconsin Right Now is the best at investigative journalism. Jim has an issue with Tim , it stems back a while but it’s mostly due to their affiliation with Rebecca Kleefisch. I completely understand that but I am asking all of you they see this to please respectfully pushback when they are doing stories that speak negatively about Tim that has nothing to do with anything factually about Tim.

If Tim Michels is doing something wrong not if you think he’s doing something wrong if you literally see him doing something wrong call him on it email him call his team message them on Twitter do not believe that it’s hard to reach them because it isn’t I talked to that team multiple times a week to check on things to see how they’re doing to see what help they need.

I said this before and I’m going to say it again I respect everyone even those that don’t like me and have had negative things to say. Just remember I come from a long lineage of fighters if you are with me and with us I have your back to the end.

But unfortunately this election is very very important and the backbiting and inner fighting is going to be eradicated by me and my team and my friends that are in the major media markets.

I communicate as well as Paris Procopis with a lot of people that have a lot of influence in the media and politics on a regular basis Paris even more than me.

This is where things go a little bit dark freedom is something that people have gone to war for and have lost their lives over. If you are so petty that you still want to make things difficult for the only republican running for governor to prove a point or because you’re mad about something let me be very clear you can joke you can laugh you can pretend that you don’t care but trust me you will never ever challenge me face-to-face nine times out of 10 you will be scared and you will say nothing.

I will not allow anyone to try and sabotage our hope of getting rid of Tony Evers. Just remember what you try to do to Tim I will make sure, you get the picture no need to go into detail let’s get ready to fight.

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