BONUS - Not Ur Mama's News - #5 A Kevin Bacon Burger

1 year ago

All the clown world news that matters (but not to your mama) on Not Ur Mama's News! This week we cover:
The video game company that thinks it’s the NSA. Care for a slice of Kevin Bacon? Holocospitals and the Covid death camp protocols. Who will free the pet groomers from indentured servitude? Patriarchy to blame for men outcompeting women at sports.
In between, other topics are brought forth as spontaneously as medical malpractice suits.

This Week’s News Challenge:
Why do you think the world is experiencing so many incidents of beached whales and dolphins?

Unknowns featured this week: Ashley, Jackye, Justin, Keel and terry (for most of the episode, until Putin got to him).

News Item Links:
All Your Private Data Are Belong to Us;
One Degree of Consummation of Kevin Bacon;
Death by Medicine;
OK (Pet) Groomer;
Women Different to Men Shocker.

Other Useful links:
You Are Loved Store - Jackye’s online shop: "Their goal is to spread love and kindness throughout the world through every day and specialty items".
The Propaganda Report, with Brad Binkley and Monica Perez - our founding father and mother, and the hosts of great and informative podcasts.
The Union of the Unwanted –freewheeling discussions between an ever-changing group of like-minded podcasters; the inspiration for our format and name
Keel’s nature-loving YouTube channel – watch out for the Ghost Cat!

Please send us your take on this weeks news challenge, as well as your news items suggestions to:
Twitter - @UnionUnknowns;
Email —;
Phone - 404-482-3130
Or just show your support by saying hello, by subscribing on your favourite podcasting platform, by leaving a great review; and of course by checking out the next extraordinary episode of Not Ur Mamas News.
(Just don't tell your mama.)

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