House approves change to voting bill key to Trump election claims

1 year ago

The House approved bipartisan legislation Wednesday to clarify how presidential Electoral College votes are tallied and challenged, aiming to prevent confusion and a repeat of the Capitol attack on Jan. 6, 2021.

The vote was 229-203, largely along party lines. Republicans largely opposed the bill as an attack on former President Donald Trump rather than a way to fix problems with the 1887 Electoral Count Act. The House bill from Reps. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., and Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., must still be reconciled with the Senate version, which hasn’t been voted on yet.

"If your aim is to prevent future efforts to steal elections, I would respectfully suggest that conservatives should support this bill," Cheney said. "If instead your aim is to leave open the door for elections to be stolen in the future, you might decide not to support this or any other bill to address the Electoral Count Act."

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