Good friends!

1 year ago

Good friends!
A Rottweiler (José Alfredo) and a Pinscher (Nairobi), he is six and a half years old and she is one.
Even though he's giant and very rough he knows how to play with her. And she takes advantage of her small size to jump and walk on top of him. This is proof that in the animal world it is not difficult to become good friends.

The origin of the name Rottweiler was due to the popularity that the breed gained in the city of Rottweil, Germany. There, a city recognized for being a great pole of butchers, the dog was called Rottweiler metzgerhund (butcher dog), for being used to pull the meat carts.
A lot of people think they are descendants of the Doberman, but Pinschers came much earlier. Records prove their origin in Germany about two hundred years ago, but much older paintings and records depict dogs very similar to the breed, which leaves the origin of these dogs in doubt.

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