The World of Half Baked Ideas

2 years ago

These half-baked ideas infect the minds of many. Much more than just statists. They infect the minds of those who consider themselves in favor of freedom. When someone didn’t come to an absurd idea with logic, you’re more than likely, not going to convince that person away from that idea with logic. Maybe it won’t be that person you convince, but those that might be listening. A good idea doesn’t require the use of force.

They have these romantic ideas of statism. In reality, they are half-baked ideas than can only be pursued with force. These ideas weren’t pushed so long ago that people would’ve forgotten. These statist ideas have proven to be extremely deadly. They only way you couldn’t know about it is if you were deliberately shielded from it. Don’t be fooled by the names given. They all rely on violating private property.

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