From Victim to Trouble Maker - The Path on Fighting China Money in Basel Asylum Camp 20220924 Update

2 years ago

20220924_Mid-night chemical caused heart pain and headache
Interview Room 2
1. Witness:
Afghanistan kid who stayed in the same room asked for doctor saying he felt headache after I felt the same pain, but two ORS staff told him no doctor and he needed to wait until morning. I told the ORS staff that there was chemical smell in the room, he didn't look into it.
Bag with strong chemical smell
- I put the bag beside my bag, in the morning when I picked up the bag I could smell strong chemical on it. When I opened it to get the tissue paper, the tissue paper was full of the smell. I asked the security guards to smell the tissue paper but they refused to do so. When I went to the police station at Clarastrassz 38, the police also refused to check the smell of the bag.
- I was ridiculous by the police a few times and the police came to the camp on 20th Sept told me he had referred the case to the specialist police to investigate. He asked me to wait but not sure when will the specialist police will contact me.

I can say most of the ORS senior staff and junior staff, especially the male staff, are corrupted of receiving China Money to do the set up and let the asylum seekers to abuse me. Then they protect the asylum seekers by telling the third parties e.g. the police that I am crazy. This is totally align with the China propaganda. Some of the security guards are also involving in the corruption.

When there are material evidence and witness, the police refuse to investigate. There is a serious problem with the system.

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