An Earth where humans can live up to 3158 years!

1 year ago
An Earth where humans can live up to 3158 years has been discovered by scientists! Even though the information sounds like a dialogue from science fiction it is in fact true. A planet similar to our earth has been discovered by an international team of scientists, led by astrophysicist Laetitia Delrez. Moreover, the planet is around 100 light years away and circles around a star that is significantly smaller than our sun.

According to the research, a star named TOI-4306 is circled by two planets one of which is quite similar to our Earth. The planet similar to earth is called LP 890-9b or TOI-4306b is about 30% bigger than Earth. On the other hand, TOI-4306 has half the temperature of our sun but is 6.5 times smaller than our Sun. TOI-4306b completes an orbit around TOI-4306 in a time period of 2.7 days.
The time taken by TOI-4306b to complete an orbit is way less than our planet taking around Sun. If we consider the current average life expectancy of human (i.e. 73.5 years), the average life expectancy on the planet TOI-4306b would be 9943 years.

TOI-4306b was initially discovered by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). TESS is a space mission that is involved in the search of exoplanets in nearby orbiting stars. Exoplanets, are those planets that are discovered outside of our solar system. However, they are not suitable for life forms as they are either too hot or too cold.
The international team of researchers at the University of Liege used their ground-based telescopes to confirm the presence TOI-4306b planet. The team used SPECULOOS (Search for habitable Planets Eclipsing Ultra-cool Stars) telescopes for this purpose. The team used these telescopes to detect another planet called LP 890-9c or SPECULOOS-2c. The planet is around 40 percent larger than Earth and orbits around its star in just 8.5 days. This roughly means that an average human being will have a life expectancy of 3158 years. This planet might have conditions that can support life, suggested the report.
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