Peak of Eloquence Nahjul Balagha By Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib - English Translation - Sermon 84

2 years ago

#suntv #nahjulbalagha #nahjulbalaghaenglish
About the Perfection of Allah and Counseling
I testify that there is no god but Allah, He is One and there is no
partner with Him. He is the First, such that nothing was before Him. He is
the Last, such that there is no limit for Him. Imagination cannot catch any
of His qualities. Hearts cannot entertain belief about His nature. Analysis
and division cannot be applied to Him. Eyes and hearts cannot compare
Part of the Same Sermon:
O servants of Allah! Take lesson from useful items of instruction
and shining indications. Be cautioned by effective items of warning. Get
benefit from preaching and admonition. It is as though the claws of death
are pressed in you, the connection of hope and desires has been cut
asunder, hard affairs have befallen you and your march is towards the
place where everyone has to go, namely death. Hence, with every person
there is a driver and a witness (Holy Quran, 50: 21). The driver drives him
towards resurrection while the witness furnishes testimony about his
Part of the same sermon (about Paradise):
In Paradise, there are high classes and different abodes. Its
boundary never ends. He who stays in it will never depart from it. He who
is endowed with everlasting abode in it will not get old and its resident
will not face want.

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