Your Spirit Guides Need You To Know This Right Now...

2 years ago

Welcome to my channel, I'm Alicia Michelle; A Transformational Coach & Spiritual Healer from Sydney, Australia.

I've worked with over 500+ women from all around the world to help them heal unresolved trauma, let go of subconscious limiting beliefs & unlock their intuitive and creative capabilities, to ultimately live a life at their fullest potential & to create deep, nourishing relationships.

So, if your soul is hungry for more....

You're not alone, because you see I hit my very own rock bottom in 2016 after being 'diagnosed' with an Eating Disorder, Body Dysmorphia & Depression. I had no choice but to face the emotional pain I'd buried for too long, uncover all the masks I'd hidden behind that I believed were keeping me 'safe' & to rediscover the truth of who I really was; a wild spirit living in a physical human body.

As I was healing my trauma & becoming unstuck from the story of my past, my psychic mediumship abilities were also becoming impossible to ignore, which is why I went on to not only study Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy & Holistic Health + Nutrition Coaching, but also dived into the realms of spirit becoming now qualified in Psychic Mediumship, Akashic Record Reading/Healing & Reiki Energy Healing 1&2.

I've made it my mission to inspire deep healing & transformation within all of you who are ready to embody your most confident, powerful & intuitive self. And that's what you can expect from these videos - a blend of 'woo woo' mixed with 'inspired action' that you can use to take your life to the next level ;)

BUT, if you know deep in your core that you're ready to experience what it's like to feel truly alive, energised and lit up by life...then maybe it's time to book a call with me to see how I can support you along this wild ride we call L I F E ↓

Apply Now To Work 1:1 With Me -

or, Book a 1:1 Psychic Mediumship Reading -

+ Here is my link to instagram @aliciamichelleglen

I hope you experience a touch of magic after today's video.

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