Safe Fire Protection: Top 5 Things To Consider When Buying a Safe | Liberty Safe

1 year ago

One of the main reasons you’re buying a safe is for Fire Protection. You may think the chances of your home being involved in a fire are low, but is that an expensive risk you want to take? With that said, here are our Top 5 Things to Consider about Fire Protection.

What Items Are In Your Safe

The first thing you need to figure out is what items you’ll be putting in your safe. Paper documents and cash will be at the highest risk, while metallic items like guns will be able to take a little more heat. But any heat at all can cause damage, so a higher fire rating will prevent that.

Firefighter Location

Depending on where you live, the firefighter’s response time may be faster or slower. If you live in the middle of a city, it is likely they’ll get to you faster than if you live on the outskirts or in more rural areas. Also, if you live in a busy city with high traffic, that may hinder their ability to get to you quickly.

Home Location

How common are fires in your area? Especially during the summer months, wildfires become a serious hazard in many areas. If you live close to an area that may be prone to these massive fires, a higher fire rating would be very necessary.

How Old Is Your Home

Consider the age of your home. Older homes are more prone to fires. It could come from old fireplaces, faulty electricity in your walls, or old materials used to build your home. Newer and more modern homes are built with stronger protections to reduce these risks. All the same, a higher fire rating will give you added peace of mind about keeping valuable items in your home.

Value of Your Items

Lastly, consider the value of the items you’ll put in your safe. Not just the dollar value of certain items but the sentimental value. Some items can’t be replaced, and once it’s gone, you’ll wish you had a safe with a higher fire rating.

Here at Liberty Safe, we have fire ratings between 30 minutes to 2 ½ hours. That should be plenty to accommodate your fire protection needs.

That’s it for this video. Are there any other things you consider about fire protection? Let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to like and subscribe to see more videos like this.
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