Free Aspen Henson

1 year ago

Hello in this video we are asking People to Call for the release of Aspen. She is being held by the Judge and Sheriff's office so that they can take her baby from her. Here are the numbers to call and the information you can read off to them for her release.
David Clouse Sheriff Office # 1-928-536-7327
Judge Melinda K. Hardy office # 1-928-524-4217
Vickie Lester Assistant to the Judge # 1-928-524-4213
Something you can say to them when you call
Hello my name is ( First Name), and I am calling for Aspen Henson, who has been unlawfully Detained by Judge Hardy and the Navajo County Sheriff in the Holbrook Jail. I request that Aspen be immediately released. Thank you for taking my Message.
Be kind so that we can get her out of this jail as soon as possible.

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