California AG Rob Bonta praises San Diegos Gun violence restraining order

1 year ago

Craig Deluz takes issue with Bonta’s message Thursday.

“What they don't tell you is once someone's firearms and their rights have been taken, how often when they go to court, was it deemed that they shouldn't have lost them in the first place?" Deluz said. "In other words, how often are those rights then given back because they never should have been taken? It's one thing they won't tell you because the numbers aren't going to come out in their favor. 

He said the person who has the restraining order filed against them are often left in the dark, not told what steps they need to take. 

"This is a process that is a civil process, not a criminal process," he explained. "So you are not afforded innocent until proven guilty. You're also not given not given an attorney to help guide you through this process.”

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