Bitter sweet

2 years ago

Bitter sweet is an original song from Robert and Naomi.

A StevnstevenS project.

Visit my website for books and artwork that can be purchased in order to support me.

Here is the video for Bittersweet. More information on the meaning of the song can be found on the website blog- see link below

Have fun watching and listening to Bittersweet!!
Have a great weekend!

Lyrics (Link zur Google uebersetze am Ende.)


I stand alone. Your plans sent me right back home,
Back where I belong. So glad that you proved me wrong.
My trust hit the ground and spread a thousand shards around,
tiny daggers for your feet.
Watch where you walk. Life is bittersweet.

I've suffered, but you'll see I'm strong, there's no breaking me.
You on the other hand aren't so free.
You've got to live as you, something I should pity.
Walk on and walk far. Your friends know exactly what you are.
I'll stand on my own two feet. You fall.
Life is bittersweet.

I'm the bad guy?
How did that happen?

You sold a dream for which I fell.
You did it well. You did it well.
You had a scheme and lies to quell.
You hid them well. You hid them.

I'm glad my life is mine. I'm glad I didn't waste my time.
I'm glad there'll be others, glad I saw your true colours.
Never mind the fact that you lied, the fact you made me cry.
My conscience clear. I hold that dear. I'm happy inside
to know I'm true and I wouldn't have done that to you.
I can sleep with myself, I couldn't say the same for you.
And now I'm up on my feet, I feel complete, I won't retreat.
What did I say?
Life is bittersweet.

My heart is free. The greatest gift that you ever gave me.
Unchained form your deceit, I'll leave that to another.
Life is bittersweet!

Jetzt bleibt nichts als Erinnerungen an wie das Leben nicht gelebt werden sollte und Erfahreungen die mir die mir eines gelehrt habe- wie bittersüß das Leben ist.

And now there is nothing left but memories of how a life should not be lived, and the experience that taught me one thing- how bittersweet life is.

Use Google translate:

The track can also be viewed on the website- see link below

The song was written and performed by Robert and Naomi Stevens 2021
The song is the property of Robert Stevens. Copyright Robert Stevens 2021

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