Mattias Desmet Talks to Tucker

1 year ago

Have you too been walking around with that feeling that you suddenly found yourself locked in a human mental asylum, ever since the CovID narrative was imposed on the worldwide populace? This is a MUST WATCH video for all that want to (better) understand, why we suddenly saw a dramatic and dangerous change taking place in the masses around us, that all suddenly seemed to be hypnotized by this CovID narrative, that was suddenly propagandized by all corporate governments, the CDC, the WHO and all the Main Stream Media propaganda channels.

I have seen several interviews with Mattias Desmet, but I found this one, one of the more interesting, as many issues are discussed and revealed in this interview, that strongly contribute to a better holistic understanding of all the developments that took place, and are taking place, in the worldwide societies. That includes an understanding of certain huge and dramatic mass events in past human history, as well as the huge and dramatic developments that are taking place today.

Connecting a few important dots, Mattias explains in this episode of Tucker Carlson Today, that mass formation is an extreme & disconnected ritualistic form of hypnotic collectivism, where individual bonds and individual thinking, and relationships, are blindly sacrificed for the well being of an induced idealistic collective. That this ultimately will lead those that are obsessed by mass formation to ruthless choices and behaviors, without having an awareness of this themselves, and that this is an extremely dangerous and perilous development for everyone of us, is wonderfully explained by Mattias.

The best way and remedy to prevent the complete fulfillment of this extremely perilous mass development, is for the small minority, that are not succumb to the mass formation phenomena hypnosis, to keep expressing the truth, as this is the only way of how the mass formation will eventually be broken, and those that were hypnotized may come back to their senses and begin to see and think for themselves again.

Tucker Carlson sits down with Ghent University professor Mattias Desmet to discuss mass formation psychosis in the 'Tucker Carlson Today' episode of September 1, 2022.

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