English Instruction In The Classical Model - Ethos Logos Publishing

2 years ago

Reading the classics exposes your child to a world of wonder, excitement, and adventure. We align historical and classical works of literature with our history timelines to go well beyond dates, times, and events. By reading these time-tested classical stories, your child will learn what life was like for the people of the past. Your student gets a deeper understanding of how the characters in a novel are much like themselves. We use our historical fiction selection to explore English skills (grammar, vocabulary, theme, plot, character, and writing), and we use these stories to connect to our values and virtues instruction.

Interested in the power of Classical Education? Learn about the Trivium, our pursuit of The Good, The True, and The Beautiful and get a deeper understanding of Thematic Units based around history. The Ethos Logos educational system helps your family, charter, private or public school teach a modern version of the 2500 year old Classical Education model. We include Charlette Mason elements which help make the entire K12 education experience interactive and alive.


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