Debating A TikTok "SJW" (Is There A Middle ground?)

2 years ago

Yes, we are doing a part 2 with a new person from TikTok. Don’t Miss it ;)

0:00-2:50 Intro
2:50-20:52 Cheating, open relationships
20:52-26:00 Going out “too late”
26:00-36:33 The Friendzone, Being Asexual
36:33-41:30 Tinder being used for hookups
41:30-55:30 Sex on the first date, “Orgasm Gap”
55:30-1:06:40 Sex vs Relationships, Controlling Emotions
1:06:40-1:19:30 Alpha male groups
1:19:30-1:25:45 Persistence
1:25:45-1:34:11 Productive debates, Closing thoughts

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