The Red Heifers - A Sign of The End?

1 year ago

Please feel free to see these related articles, concerning the new temple in Jerusalem and how Antiochus Epiphanies of the Book of Maccabees is a forshadow of the coming Antichrist and Judas Maccabees is a forshadow of the Messiah Yeshua Jesus at His return:

Antiochus Article

Past Red Heifer Article

I've also included a link to my study document concerning the Abomination of Desolation:

Abomination of Desolation

For information about the difference between the Old Covenant and New Covenant, please see this document:

Under A New Covenant Study Doc

The tribulation is soon to begin. Please feel free to save these files as PDFs:

Printable version of my left behind letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus

Please see this Google Document for a study concerning the NWO Beast Kingdom and the
coming AntiChrist One World Leader. Please feel free to download the document as PDF or to print a hard copy as part of left behind letter or Biblical research.

The Beast NWO

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