Logo (Object) Removal in DaVinci Resolve Fusion

2 years ago

In this tutorial we will go over one way of removing a logo from a laptop in DaVinci Resolve Fusion 18. Although this shot isn't too difficult there are a few issues we will need to deal with to get a decent result. We will use the planar tracker to stabilize the logo and then paint it out. Then reintroduce the animation so it matches the original clip. Last we will look at using the blur and the OFX Jpeg Damage node to help match the pattern and quality of the original image. The method in this video is a common approach to Object Removal in DaVinci Fusion.

**VFX Courses** - https://www.prophetless.com

If you would like to follow along here are the links to video clips:

Video by EKATERINA BOLOVTSOVA: https://www.pexels.com/video/a-woman-typing-on-a-keyboard-of-a-laptop-4052999/

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0:00 Intro/Overview
0:56 Tracking with Planar Tracker
2:50 Paint Out the Logo
4:00 Setup the Basic Comp
6:02 Refine the Edge of the Polygon
6:48 Add Blur
7:24 Add Jpeg Damage
9:06 Final Adjustments
10:22 Checking the Comp

#prophetless #davinciresolve #blackmagicfusion

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