[세비라] 제1차 세계대전의 전모. (8) “전쟁 여부는 내 아이들이 결정한다.” (Gutle Schnaper-Rothschilds 부인, 1863)

1 year ago

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# Rumble 채널명
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* 전비 $는 1914년을 기준으로 삼았음. 해마다 인플레가 10~20% 치솟았으므로 당대 환율을 현재 환율로 계산해도 오차가 거대함. 여기서는 단지 상호 비교 (%)로 족함.

-Rhodes C.(1877), 'Confession of Faith', https://pages.uoregon.edu/kimball/Rhodes-Confession.htm
-Count Cherep-Spiridovich (2000), The Secret World Government Or "The Hidden Hand": The Unrevealed in History(1926), USA: Book Tree
-Hickes W. E(1949), World War I and American public opinion, 1914-1917. Electronic Theses and Dissertations. University of Louisville, USA
-Strachan, H.(2003), The first world war, USA: Viking
-Broadberry, S. & Harrison, M. (2005 eds.), Economics of World War I, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press
-Ferguson, N.(1999). The House of Rothschild, USA: Viking Penguin
-Hautcoeur, P.-C. (2005), ‘Was the Great War a watershed? The economics of World War I in France’, Broadberry, S. & Harrison, (2005 eds.), The Economics of World War I, UK: Cambridge University Press
-Macgregor J. &, Docherty G.(2018), Prolonging the Agony: How The Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-and-a-Half Years, USA: TrineDay
-Mulder, N.(2018), War Finance, Daniel U et al. (2018), eds), International Encyclopedia of the First World War, (Online ed) Germany: Freie Universität Berlin
-Feis, H.(1930), Europe, the world’s banker, 1870-1914, USA: Yale University Press
-Mosse W. E. et. al. (1998), Juden im Wilhelminischen Deutschland, 1890-1914, Germany: Mohr Siebeck
-McCormick D.(1964), The Mask of Merlin, ‎UK: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
-Van Creveld, M. ‘World War I and the Revolution in Logistics’, Chickering R. & Förster S. (2000 eds.), Great War, Total War. Combat and Mobilization on the Western Front 1914-1918, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press
-Schüddekopf O. E. (1977), Der Erste Weltkrieg, Germany: Bertelsmann Lexikon-Verlag
-Prins N.(2014), All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power, USA: Nation Books
-Chicago Tribune, Feb. 7 1923
-Literary Digest, Feb. 23 1934
-New York Evening Post, Jul. 22 1924
-The Economist, Jan. 26, 1918
-The Times, Jan. 8 1913.
-Irish Times, May 14 2014
-‘Economic history of World War I’, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.

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