Mercury Rising 1998 then Knowing 2009

1 year ago


Mercury Rising - Tagline He Knows Too Much
Knowing Tagline - Knowing is Everything...

Screen writer for both films.

Ryne Douglas Pearson.

Knowing Director.

Alex Proyas.

Heretic Foundation. Logo is the Freemasons handshake, Handgrip.

Movie was filmed in Melbourne and surrounds.

The Numbers contained in both movies. The Australian Government and its Covid vaxx rollout by Obama's numbers makes sense now... See previous videos.

Mercury Rising.

Government supercode as Bruce Willis calls it.

216 61. = 216th Day of 61 (1961)

The Code is Barack Hussein Obama.

Born on the 216th Day of the year in 61 (1961)

There is another 216 in the film on a posterboard.

Knowing Movie.

923 at the start of the film when numbers change into letters.
U tube They live We sleep channel.
923 239 623 Movie programming videos.

48 Dead in Hotel fire.

61 48 666 on line in Number page when Nic cage is on the couch.

6 Door 6 Train 6 Petrol Bouser.

216 on the car radio.

48 on the door end of the movie.

Movie premise is 9/11/2001

Movie has a gnostic version of the Biblical 6th Seal Rapture event.

Nicolas Cage has been scripted into the following Movies.

Before Knowing was the movies:

World trade Center 2006 Nic Cage (9/11)

Next. 2007. Similar themes as Knowing. Nic Cage.

Left Behind 2014 Nic Cage (Based on Pre Tribulation theory Rapture)

The Humanity Bureau 2017 Nic Cage movie set in 2030.
(NWO 2030 17 sustainability Goals United Nations WEF)

Nic Cages name is Noah in the film. Interesting...

As in the Days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man. The Bible says.

Mercury Rising:

Release date:1st April 1998 (Beverley Hills California Premiere)

+ 4008 Days (48)

= Knowing.

Release Date 20th March 2009 USA.

Ryne Douglas Pearson. Screenwriter.

Knowing Meaning:

Showing or suggesting that one has knowledge or awareness that is secret or known to only a few people.

Previous Videos.

Knowing is really a warning about Apophis 99942. (666 - 42)
April 13th 2029

Movie Don't Look Up...2021

Revelation Chapter 13:5 and 13:18. Apophis 99942 (Code)

Obama's last 42 Months of power. Rev 13:5.

2028 July 3rd +

Time to Investigate...

Acting President Joe Bidens Vice President

Kamala Harris. "There is great significance to the passage of time"

Way before that.

15th January 2014

Christine Lagarde "Magic Number 7" speech Washington DC Press club.

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