GeoEngineering Film - Look Up !!! -[[[ It's Chemtrails ]]]

1 year ago

A GeoEngineering Film - Look Up !!! -[[[ It's Chemtrails ]]]-
A Documentary Format Film, That Shows Proof of the Program & Shows the Planes+Patents+Articles+ Has Former Air Force Commander WhistleBlower who saw FIRST HAND the GeoEngineering ChemTrail Program and the Spraying to Block out the Sun with Toxic Heavy Metal NANO Particles
.....Which ODDLY Bill Gates Invests Heavily In.....That & FarmLand & a Reason to Spray...."to Block Out the Sun"
......OR my theory for the WORST Possible Situation Here. So We Know The Spraying of Chemicals+Toxic Heavy Metal Nano Particles in our Atmosphere, Blanketing the sky is happening...We Know this from Pilots & Air Force WhistleBlowers & Documents & Patents.
....Now Since We Know Theres Chemicals Sprayed From Tank Inside the Planes the Next LOGICAL Question I would ask is "What The Fu#k are the materials In The Tanks, That are Being Sprayed??? And Collected inside Rain Clouds & RAINDOWN on US & Our Earth & Its People, Places & Things.....THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO SITUATION BECAUSE IF BILL GATES IS HEAVILY INVESTED IN THE PROGRAM, THEN WHAT IF....THE EVIL BASTARD PUT COVID, IN THE TANKS & THEY ARE SPRAYING IT ABOVE OUR HEADS, READY TO RAINDOWN ON US ???
It's not hard to think that considering Gates has a Vaccine as His Cash Crop & therefor a vested interest in INFECTING people....Then Vaccinating Them $$$ I Hate You Bill

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