How to go from war to peace in one song - Hymnum Gloriae

2 years ago

In this peace I tried to to go from war to peace in one song!

In this moment music should bring peace and be able to stop any war!!!
In this original piace, a hymn to bright people hearts, there's the wish to stop any war and have peace everywhere living in harmony with each others. Choose love!
The descriptive music shows how you can go from war to peace if you deeply want to.
Outside it's a battlefield with bodies piled up: desolation, destruction, smell of death. When everything seems lost there's a ray of light that brings hope and time for redemption. The celebration of a new life begins. Never lose hope and never give up, always turn struggle into strength.

This project is not about the genre is about emotions. I try to give a nice background music for your mood of the moment, a soundtrack to keep you company, a time to rest, recharge, reflect, relax.
A time to look inside yourself, explore all your feelings and reemerge content and serene.

Thank you for stopping by, for supporting my music project, for commenting and sharing!

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