Bill Cooper- Secret Government MJ-12 Greada Treaty 1989 - What the Gov Doesnt Want You to Know

2 years ago

The answers to why all the distractions, and apparently someone forgot to tell the US Air Force that the Earth is flat *sarcasm* because all their special patches depict the Earth as a sphere. The information in this presentation is what the CIA's flat Earth disinfo agents are working hard to hide from the public.

:44 In the documents I (Bill) saw... it was stated that president Eisenhower commissioned a group called the JASON scholars, which was stated to have been a secret society of scholars, to research the deception lies, facts, truth, and get at the root and the real truth of the alien question.

It also stated that there was a group of twelve men formed by NSC memo 5410, and that the study group was formed by study group NSC memo 5411. And that there was another NSC memo issued to cover the actions of these men and explain the reasons why such prominent men were meeting on a regular basis and that NSC memo was 5412/1 and 5412/2. 5412/1 was implemented in March of 1955, 5412/2 in November March 1955.

Anyone who knows how correspondence of executive orders and executive memos are written knows that you do not write a memo 5412 in March and then in Nov tac a second part on to it. The memo was really originally written in 1954.

4:50 I'm going to skip over the early saucer recoveries but there are many more than what you would expect. The were many more saucer crashes and down craft than what you have realized. There were many more alien bodies recovered and there are more LIVE aliens recovered than what you are aware of. But that's not important, the important thing is that they occurred not how many and not where, the important thing is that they occurred and those of you who want to argue over how many and where and how many bodies are wasting the time of everyone else, because that's not important, what's important is that they occurred, and there are two crashes that are SO important that the government will go to ANY lengths to prevent you from finding out and those are two crashes that occurred near the city of Aztec New Mexico. Why? Because BOTH of those crashed craft contained human body parts. And they are deathly afraid of a national panic. !

Because of this there was a very very tight security blanket screwed down tight over all the alien question, the downed craft, the fact that they were here, the technology that we were recovering. Some craft strangely enough were not damaged, at all, but we could not recognize anything that we had previously known as mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, or any other thing that we knew of, except eventually we discovered that the craft contained a small reactor approximately the size of a large football or a small basketball which was said to be a clean reactor, and the craft, this particular craft seemed to use water as fuel. Now how all that works I don't know, I am not a nuclear physicist, thank God.

7:15 A special group of America's top scientists were organized under the name Project Sign in Dec 1947 to study the phenomenon. There was no such thing at that time as MJ12. The whole nasty business was contained within the shroud of secrecy. Project Sign evolved into Project Grudge in Dec of 1948. A very low level collection and disinformation project named Blue Book was formed under Grudge. Sixteen volumes were to come out of Grudge including the controversial Grudge thirteen which Ian someone ? saw read and revealed to the public. Blue teams were put together to recover the crashed discs, and dead or alive aliens.

The blue teams were later to evolve into alpha teams under Project Pounce, and Project Pluto. During these early years the United States Air Force and the CIA exercised complete control over the alien secret [using Hollywood and MSM distractions - Alkaline777]. The Air Force was later to be dropped because it was a young service it had no political power and could not overcome the power of the Army and the Navy. In fact the CIA was formed by presidential executive order first as a central intelligence group for the expressed purpose of dealing with the alien presence. Later the National Security Act was passed establishing it as the Central Intelligence Agency. The National Security Council was established to oversee the intelligence community and especially the alien endeavor, it was not created specifically to form national policy. In fact you can say that the NSC was the forerunner of MJ12, and there was another group between MJ12 and the NSC which is to come later.


15:00 "Now it gets nasty"... Secretary of Defense James Forrestal began to object to the secrecy. He was a very idealistic and religious man who believed that the public should be told. When he began to talk to leaders of the opposition party and leaders of the congress about the alien problem he was asked, which is a polite way of saying you're fired, to resign by Truman.

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