Not Sorry Show: 09222022

Streamed on:

What is between Alex Jones, Tucker and Reddit?....
Well, ... If a spicy, funny, truth bomb Meme was a show, this would be it.
LIVE - 9pm Eastern

Main show source: now
and streaming on (always the top link on the page when live)


--- Man challenges law that says he can't buy a gun while on bail for a felony. Court dismisses that law as unconstitutional. Liberals howl that the judge was appointed by Trump. Silent when reminded that the judge was first floated by Obama, but he ran out of time to have hearings. NPC guy is beet red.
--- Memery causes violent reaction from liberal. Good job! Pepe smiles upon you, fren.
--- Russians threaten to nuke Ukraine to save it. They know they are downwind, so they are acting. Probably.
--- Woke Air Force becomes Air Farce. They have image problems as it is.
--- Drag Queen was thinking of bringing chaos to school....not what you imagine.

*** Phil Bromley hosts

*** 5pyhun73r produces and has a Digital Battlefront for us on Iran blocking ISPs to curb protests.

Comments from: guest Nick from Shing's Night Nation Review, Shades and Barbarian

Fresh Spaghetti on the Wall

Recorded in front of a live studio Ostrich
Free CHEEZITS and Iced Tea provided, BYOB!

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