Fire Blanket by Ready Hour

1 year ago

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A Safer, Quicker Way to Snuff Out Fire Dangers

Extinguishers Alone WILL NOT Fully Protect You—Add Ready Hour Fire Blankets Today for TOTAL Safety!

Puts Out Kitchen Fires in Seconds – Nearly half of all home fires start in the kitchen. Ready Hour Fire Blankets are the most effective way to stop these deadly grease and liquid blazes in an instant.

Can Save Your Life in a Fire Evacuation – In most serious fires, escape is priority number one. Wrap up in this blanket (47.2" H x 70.8" W) to shield from flames and save your life.

Non-Toxic – Excessive extinguisher inhalation can cause pneumonia. These blankets are made from a fiberglass cloth that is safe for adults, kids, and pets—perfect to pair with your extinguisher!

Ideal for Use by Children – Sometimes emergencies happen when adults aren't around. Unlike extinguishers, the Ready Hour Fire Blanket has no pins or levers to fiddle with – children can and have used these to put out fires all on their own!

PREVENTS Fire…Protects Against Sparks – Welding? Cutting? Prevent fires from sparks by putting a Ready Hour Fire Blanket over flammable surfaces and equipment.

This is the one safety product no home should be without.

- 100% flame retardant
- Two layers of woven fiberglass fabric plus an inner layer of fire-retardant film
- Isolates high temperatures of up to 1,076° F or 580° C
- Product size: 47.2" H x 70.8" W

Get one in the kitchen, garage, fireplace, car, and more!

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