Fallen Character Reveal #3: Berina

1 year ago

Name: Berina
Species: Sabia
Age: Appears to be upper 20s, lower 30s
Origin: Classified Information by the Sabia
Family: Classified Information by the Sabia
Faith: Classified Information by the Sabia
Professional Background: Pilot for the Sabia

"It seems the cockiness of pilots is universal." -Brendan remarking about Berina.

Berina is a Sabia pilot who becomes Brendan's de facto deployment buddy. Her concern for Brendan and interest in his life is comforting for a man awed by circumstances. However, her access to senior Sabia leaders, avoidance of discussing her own background, behavior around other humans implies there is another agenda at work.

Fallen is a near-future scifi novel that explores both interspecies contact as well as one veteran's PTSD-scarred mind.

Read more about Fallen at: www.patrickabbott.net
Order it on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09XLTXHRk

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