Fallen Character Reveal 1: Brendan

1 year ago

Fallen's main character is Brendan Sean Murphy. An immigrant who never felt comfortable anywhere, Brendan is a combat veteran who has been assigned as a liaison to the alien race known as Sabia. Caught between competing agendas and his own personal trauma, Brendan must work hard to keep the peace, even if the price is violence further racking his soul.

Age: Mid-30s
Origin: Ireland, though his family moved to the United States when he was young.
Family: Widower. Estranged from his family of origin.
Faith: Lapsed Catholic.
Professional Background: Combat veteran of Syrian, Iraqi, and Afghan wars. Now serves as an intelligence officer for the Unified Intelligence Command.

Fallen is a near-future scifi novel that explores both interspecies contact as well as one veteran's PTSD-scarred mind.

Read more about Fallen at: www.patrickabbott.net
Order it on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09XLTXHRk

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