Good Side Effects of NUCCA Chiropractic CAre

2 years ago

What type of side effects are you to expect before you start your NUCCA care?

The main things you may notice following a NUCCA correction would be soreness of the muscles, light headed, minor dizziness, as well as something called Retracing.

Unlike medicine the "side effects" are actually just effects that we expect to occur as we change the structure of your spine.

Retracing is a little more complicated but it is a phenomena within the body that the body heals through previous traumas or problems in the body. As the body begins the healing process and the nervous system improves its communication with the body, often the body will begin to "relive" previous events. When this occurs please know that it is apart of the healing journey and you are now in a place to correct the roadblock that has been blocking that specific part of your healing process.

For more information or to schedule a free consultation please visit our website

And remember, when you restore your brain you will heal your pain!

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