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2 years ago

A new concept to the Art of Electromagnetic Rotation Methodology, that includes new structuring of the Mechanical Architecture of an Electric Motor and/or Generator or combination thereof, extending to the methods for processing their Input-Output governing data. Static and rotational components, particularly individual isolated groups of coil elements performing dual functions as a Motor and as a Generator at specific angles within the 360 degrees of rotation. An specific and unique feature of this methodology is the non reversal of the input current-voltage polarity within the actuating individual isolated coils during the motor stages, causing a non changing magnetic field pole projection due to a one sense or direction magnetic flux in their respective cores, rotation occurs by switching intervals of On and Off Times at specific positioning, such that a repulsion and/or attraction is constantly obtained at T-On, of individually orderly sequenced North-South poles. This particular switching times On and Off creates a one direction, non colliding electronic flow within the isolated conductive coil elements deriving into a pulsating current dropping to zero (at T Off) to Max V in (at T On), equivalent switching codes as to the electronically controlled Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) utilized to control the current feeding input in Electric Motors and the Input-Output parameters of Power Source Converters, this identical Data-Transfer, based on Pulsed Signals, establishes a common language of operation between machine and input-output control commands, leading into a robust communication protocol. The advantages that comprises a Motor and/or a Generator driven directly from the core by pulsed signals, extend to the incorporation of Optoelectronic s as to replace the Old Fashion, brush-commutator switching systems by an emitting pulsed width modulated (Infrared PWM as an example) or linear optical signal (Signaling steadily where On Off occurs by mechanical-magnetic loosing angle of interaction) to an Optoelectronic receiver connected to the Power Switching Executing circuits, delivering a less friction, low noise, more accurate and precise communication Network.


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