The Symmetry of darkness

1 year ago

For over one hundred and thirty years our planet has been ruled by crippled and dogmatic science, serving „assignments” from their funding corporations: bankers, oil cartels, among other interests. Not to serve and benefit humanity, like science is supposed to . One of the biggest „twists” science ever took, started in 1880. James Clerk Maxwell , the father of magnetism in his very organized work on electromagnetism, classified two main seperate systems, since both , were completely different one from the other:
1) The asymmetrical systems
2) The symmetrical systems
The magnificence of Maxwell equations, a master piece of science, that should have never been modified. However, one year after Maxwell death in 1879, scientist Hendrik Lorentz ( financed by J. P. Morgan and Thomas A. Edison ) founders of general electric co, started the „symmetrization” of all Maxwellian equations . This mutilation to Maxwell’s scientific work started in 1880 and lasted more than two decades, resulting in a complete deletion of all asymmetrical systems, including the Heaviside’s giant curled EM equations and Poynting energy flow component. No electrical engineer on our planet would ever be taught the asymmetrical systems. Our access will be forever restricted to the closed symmetrical systems, where energy conservation, and the first and second laws of thermodynamics conveniently prevails. For over one hundred and thirty years science has only recognized a model that is based on constant self cancelling electromagnetic interactions, always resulting in „symmetrically balanced equations to zero” or COP ( coefficient of performance ) will never be equal to one, but always , will remain on the minus side (COP < 1 ) . All the existing electrical motors and generators in our planet are based on this symmetrical system technology. None of them will ever deliver an efficiency – at least – equal to 100%, wherein those low efficiency levels, a great amount will be lost energy or „transformed” into undesired and unnecessary heat. This „symmetrically ” inefficient system adopted by our crippled sciences, not only wastes energy in heat, but due to this loss, a requirement of very high levels of energy consumption is demanded ( voltage / amperage ) to be able to achieve its duty. Their always high temperature operation, limits the lifespan of its – must of times – „ non replaceable consumables ” . But this are not all disadvantages this system brings along. This symmetrical interactions of opposite , but identical magnitude, generates constant heavy front end collisions of electrons and flux, that flows within the system. This constant electrons and flux head – on collisions generates negative currents and magnetic drag, that reduces even more the overall performance of this already inefficient symmetrical technology. „When you turn science into dogma, is when you „lock-in” on a given model. You assume your model is perfect, and therefore anything that does not agree with that model can not possibly exist in nature. ” Tom Bearden .

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