Sen. McConnell calls Democrats’ campaign finance bill an ‘insult’ to the first amendment

1 year ago

McConnell calls Campaign Finance Bill ‘an insult to the First Amendment.' As opposed to his fellow colleague, Senator Chuck Schumer, McConnell argued: "Today's liberal pet priority is a piece of legislation designed to give unelected federal bureaucrats vastly more power over private citizens’ First Amendment rights and political activism – and to strip privacy away from Americans who speak out about politics in their private lives.” Both "seasoned" Senators however, Schumer and McConnell seem to agree that both their concerns have the same "end-goals" in mind: To keep "unelected Federal bureaucrats," which he later referred to as, "private citizens," who somehow have more control over campaign elections in the states than members of the House and Senate. He goes on to suggest the potential implementation of such "campaign finance laws," would hinder so-called "private citizens" from a fair chance in running against incumbents or high-status party candidates seeking personal interests to gain from becoming elected into office.

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